These 50 People Have Such a Poor Sense of Humor That They Embarrassed Themselves Online

20 May 2024

We've all encountered them: the ones who respond with a blank stare emoji to a hilarious meme, or who take a sarcastic comment at face value. These individuals, lacking the elusive quality known as 'humor sense,' navigate the Internet with a perplexing seriousness that leaves the rest of us scratching our heads!

Elon's humor is not understood by everyone

Not everyone grasps Elon Musk's sense of humor! Although in this case, it's not hard to guess that alcohol is indeed a solution (in the literal sense of the word), but there was someone who didn't get the joke. 


Well, if he has more perceptive friends who understand chemistry, they'll definitely explain it to him! 

Not everyone finds Tinder amusing!

It's no secret that on dating sites, you can often either hear strange jokes or come across someone who doesn't understand funny humor. And by the way, it's precisely a sense of humor that brings people closer together. 


So, if someone of the opposite sex doesn't get your jokes, then apparently, you're not on the same wavelength. 

The main thing is not quantity but quality!

Many would probably not mind eating one giant cake without finishing it! Although some didn't get this kind of humor online, we think after a slice of delicious cake, that person would be more inclined to jokes.


If only sweetness made the scale number sweeter... oh, dreams!

Humor isn't for everyone!

Whether or not you have experience with dating sites, you probably know that you can encounter some strange people there. Some joke strangely, while others react strangely to genuinely funny jokes. So, perhaps it's better to play it safe and not joke at the beginning of a conversation to avoid scaring anyone off. 


Although... maybe it's still better to go all-in and show your humor right from the start - if someone doesn't find it funny, then they don't deserve a chance for a date!

Say ‘caaat’!

When there's a problem with catching onto things quickly, well, people are all different. While some respond lightning-fast to jokes and sarcasm from others, others might get stuck for a couple of minutes and not understand what's going on at all. 


As you can see, that's exactly what happened in the case of the cat that can't be mentioned without the letter 'a.' But some folks got that right away, ha-ha!

The water experiment didn't go as planned!

In this case, the person who didn't get the joke went even further and not only asked a strange question on social media but apparently actually froze water, it seems... oh well! 


It's fortunate that the joke's author didn't suggest doing something even stranger or even dangerous. Some people are overly trusting!

Surprise, surprise!

While some people on social media cleverly catch jokes from others and play along, creating new jokes, others don't understand this dynamic and end up looking foolish. 


Take, for example, this situation where a user accused another person of stupidity, claiming they didn't know that there's no letter 'Z' on the piano... oh well…

People believe in even the most absurd things!

Well, while one person joked about cameras being hidden in hornet nests, leading to the need to destroy them, there was someone who actually believed it... we can't even begin to guess who that person might be…


Perhaps a kind-hearted grandpa or grandma who cares about the fate of insects and doesn't quite grasp modern humor. 

Sometimes it's better to think twice!

This situation once again proves that sometimes, before asking a strange question or writing a peculiar comment on social media, it's better to think a few times to avoid looking foolish, like the person who thought Taylor Swift plays Fortnite. 


But who knows, maybe she actually does play it and just keeps it a secret!


The joke about students didn't go over well! This meme seems less like a joke and more like the truth of life! Indeed, many graduates can see themselves in it! 


But still, there was some dull person who tried to dismiss the joke and showcase their knowledge of formulas. Oh, it got really stuffy! 

And once again, someone decided to show off their intellect!

As we review these screenshots from social media, it starts to seem like there are too many people who don't understand jokes... so what should we do about them? 


As one option - give them tickets to a great stand-up comedy show, maybe that's where their sense of humor will awaken (but no guarantees).

‘A multi-functional’ phone case

Well, someone took the joke about a phone case too literally! We think it's no secret anymore that many bloggers do this when shooting videos and often check their case for their‘ ability to type.’


We believe that soon people will stop being surprised by this and will stop taking everything too literally!

And it got stuffy again!

Indeed, sometimes you can't help but be amazed at how people react to jokes... for some reason, they just don't get them! Sometimes it's easier to laugh at their comments than to try to prove something to them. 


After all, they often start getting aggressive towards the 'humorists,' trying to overshadow them with their intellect!

We think many of you saw yourselves in this joke!

After all, what else can chronically late people do? Except maybe smile and laugh at their perpetual tardiness (though those waiting for them might not find it funny at all). 


Yet, there was still someone who didn't even get this joke and decided to teach others mathematics.

What do you think about this Kanye West?

Well, while some smiled seeing this version of the rapper, someone got worried about his health and even speculated that he might have vitiligo... 


Some people have a talent for giving diagnoses to others! Luckily, it's just Photoshop!

Local jokes aren't understood by everyone!

Even despite this, and even for those who don't understand them, they don't become any less wonderful! Local jokes often carry a unique flavor and resonate deeply with those familiar with the specific context or culture they reference. 


They create a sense of camaraderie and shared experience among those who "get" them, adding an extra layer of charm to the humor. 

USA from a bird's eye view

Of course, the United States of America is beautiful! So many states, so many beautiful landscapes and landmarks, and so many people... with good and not-so-good senses of humor! 


Of course, it's obvious that the photo isn't of the States but some didn't get the joke. Perhaps, on the second try, the joke will land!

Mathematics, like humor, isn't for everyone!

Not many excel in math, just as not everyone understands jokes around them! The post's author is clearly skilled in humor but the commenter, it seems, not so much... 


By the way, at least they learned to count the years! That's an achievement too!

At least the commenter tried...

Not everyone is strong in both humor and funny puzzles! We think you've figured out what message is encrypted in this unusual post, but the commenter still didn't get it... 


But at least he tried! Moreover, he did unleash some creativity, even if it made others laugh! 

The meme that became a puzzle for someone

While some laughed at this meme, there was someone who still didn't understand what was going on! 

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We can even imagine how they sat there for a few minutes in confusion, trying to figure out what's going on and why they couldn't see the white text. Apparently, they just didn't get the joke!

What a mystery!

It seems this time the commenter fancied themselves a real detective and decided to explain to the other 'ignorant people' the whole truth about this church. Well, they surprised, that's for sure! 

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After such incidents, it's tempting to post even more similar content just to see the amusing reactions of such people.

The girl definitely did not expect such comments

It would have been better to pay attention to something more important! We don't know why some users focused on the ‘nickname’ of this girl on the dating site…

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By the way, her striking appearance and the photo were much more important. Moreover, age is not important for a girl at all!

Learning humor together!

If you have a friend who doesn't understand a joke, even about standing on a plank, all is not lost - a sense of humor can be developed. Memes are the currency of online humor, but deciphering their cryptic messages can be a daunting task. 

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Take the time to study popular meme formats and familiarize yourself with common internet slang and references. Websites like Know Your Meme can be invaluable resources for meme education.

Maybe it's a dog?

Looking at this comment, you can't help but wonder - are you really sure it's a cat? What if it's another animal - like a dog? Or is it actually a black hole? 


Even after such comments, some people still won't catch the sarcasm and will continue taking everything at face value.

The Perfect Cake!

While some still don't get the humor, we've thoroughly appreciated this joke! It's the perfect cake for any IKEA employee. Just make sure they have a sense of humor. 


Otherwise, they'll keep searching for cake among these products. Indeed, it's not the most ideal situation, wouldn't you agree?

Thanks, Captain Obvious!

It's really not clear what's inside... maybe there's a car or a gaming console? Or perhaps it's some musical instrument, like an electric guitar? 

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It's hard to guess... but we think if the commenter reads these lines, they won't miss the opportunity to mention drums again... 

Reality, but not for everyone!

Well, in this case, we can only envy the commenter - after all, in this meme, they didn't see themselves, but only Prince Philip! 


Apparently, this person gets plenty of sleep and always comes to work full of vigor and energy!

Cool joke!

The car with those chandeliers looks so unusual that you almost forget to pay attention to the commenter who decided to chip in.

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It's easier to just agree with them and acknowledge them as the smartest, and then continue enjoying funny memes. 

Have you ever seen a bird without wings?

Ha-ha, we bet if the commenter reads the title of this topic, they won't miss the chance to mention that all birds have wings. 

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But sometimes, you just want to feel like a bird yourself and drink something energizing, or better yet, enjoy a good sense of humor!

Flight time to the Sun!

What a brilliant idea to fly to the sun at night! And it's even better to wear a white suit - after all, it's not as hot in clothes of that color! Then the mission to fly to the sun will surely be a success (just one way, though). 

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People without a sense of humor better not read this text, because we're not ready for a lecture on the temperature of the sun.

What a lovely cat!

Indeed, this cat probably doesn't say 'meow' because it's from Spain! Cats there love to bask in the sun and simply stay silent... 

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Especially in those moments when they read comments where someone calls them a ferret! Well, such audacity is just beyond belief!

The Wish-Granting Ball!

Oh, if we ever got our hands on this ball! Then we'd wish for as many people as possible to have a great sense of humor! But wait... 

32 (3)-2.jpg?format=webp@Hilarious Times People Completely Didn’t Get The Joke And Were Shamed In||Funny Daily/Funny Daily/

Who would then be writing funny comments on social media for us to screenshot and show you? We take back our wish!

Texas is just immense!

The scale of Texas is truly staggering! And this meme was clearly created by someone who loves this state dearly and wants to highlight its greatness with excellent humor. 

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But as usual, someone didn't get the joke and quickly informed everyone that it's fake... Thanks for the geography lessons, but we're already in the know!

It's better not to go on vacation with people who lack a sense of humor!

Well, reading the comment under this amusing meme, you can confidently conclude that it will be challenging to communicate with the commenter if you enjoy joking around. 

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Moreover, it will be even more difficult to go on a joint vacation with them - no humor, just dry scientific facts.

Someone doesn't know what Photoshop is!

What were people doing during the pandemic? Of course, they were stressed out, and in an attempt to lighten their mood, they tried to find solace in humor! 

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Simple things were popular - creating funny memes, cracking jokes on social media, and putting Photoshop to good use, as you can see... but some people just can't seem to notice the funny side!

It's better to leave the chat!

Arguing with people you're not on the same page with is often pointless! And it doesn't matter what topics you discuss - sharks, the water in the Nile, guests coming over, or your ex's appearance! 

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It's better to exchange comments only with those who understand you and uplift your mood.

Many people online are particularly bold!

Often, people who don't understand a joke or two don't think that there might be something wrong with their sense of humor. On the contrary, they try to offend everyone around them. 

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Take this case, for example, where even vulgar language was used. It's such a shame that there are so many toxic people around, especially on the internet.

Hard to understand

The outbreak of the coronavirus at one point deeply unsettled many people. Some were under such tremendous stress that they couldn't even entertain jokes related to the virus. 

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Although, perhaps the issue lies not in the anxiety caused by the pandemic, but rather in an inherent absence of a sense of humor. 

Alarm clock - 'the best solution'!

Indeed, sometimes people not only fail to understand jokes but also the captions of videos! Why not wake up a deaf person with... an alarm clock? 


That's how someone in the comments decided. We suspect that continuing a dialogue with them would be pointless. 

The health advocates have joined the game!

Some people are so panic-stricken about their health, routines, diet, and other things that they can't even distinguish sarcasm from serious comments anymore. 

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We think that being overly serious about life hasn't benefited anyone. Sometimes, it's better to just relax and enjoy life.

The further it goes, the funnier it gets!

Sometimes, people don't get a joke the first time, nor the second, or even the third. Some pranksters take advantage of this and continue teasing those without a sense of humor. 

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However, it's better not to do so and instead explain the joke right away - who knows, someday you might find yourself in their shoes.

Scientific humor isn't for everyone!

Many people enjoy intellectual humor and incorporate references to various prominent figures - such as scientists - into their jokes. 

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However, not everyone gets such jokes and try to appear the smartest in response to a harmless meme. Rather, it's an example of the kind of person you shouldn't strive to be.

An alternative response!

While some guys never miss a chance to tease their girlfriend, other users are delighted by their reaction to jokes. 

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Sometimes, when you're bored at home, you don't even need to turn on Netflix - just hop onto social media and read such comments!

New discussion!

Sometimes, you're just sitting at home and suddenly get the idea to write something provocative yet funny on Facebook or any other social media platform, like a comment on a photo! 

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But be careful - there's a risk of getting into a lengthy discussion that could ultimately ruin your mood!

Someone hasn't heard of irony...

How has no one invented running, and it's in our DNA? Is that even possible?! It's amazing that there are still users who don't understand such simple jokes at first glance, but they still exist! 

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And in their free time, apparently, it's better for them to study what irony and sarcasm are rather than running.

Following the instructions of a road sign!

Drivers' humor is wonderful! As they say in commercials - do not try this at home, all stunts are performed by professionals! 

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And yes, there are people who won't miss the opportunity to spoil all the fun from your posted photo and joke, but just keep moving forward and don't pay attention to them! 

Don't fall for provocations!

If you happen to be the one who is far from the world of humor, the main thing is not to make a fool of yourself. In this situation, the person is being led on and continues to respond to the question while others are openly laughing at him. 

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So, in similar situations, as soon as you sense something fishy, it's better to step away from the computer by at least three meters!

Someone needs to rethink Karen memes...

Apparently, not everyone has seen Karen memes! Or maybe they simply take a while to understand the joke! In any case, starting a conversation with a joke is hardly a good idea because you and the other person are definitely not on the same page yet. 

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In such cases, instead of laughter, you might encounter misunderstanding and end up blocked.

How about this broccoli?

For some reason, many people don't like eating broccoli, but in this interpretation, it's simply beautiful! 

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We think that the owner of this adorable dog has a great sense of humor and doesn't mind lifting the spirits of those around them, although not everyone appreciates it as much. But that's okay; everyone will find their own audience!

A desperate attempt at redemption

Even funnier is when a person initially doesn't get the joke but then tries to respond with a joke, pretending they understood it all along. But those around aren't fools - they see through it perfectly. 


So sometimes it's better to end the conversation in time than to further embarrass oneself.
