Funny Traditions that Made Apples a Symbol of Love in Ancient Greece

05 Jun 2024

In ancient Greece, a unique and symbolic custom was used by men to declare their love and propose to women. This practice involved throwing an apple at the object of their affection. The act of tossing an apple was not merely a playful gesture but a profound declaration of love and intention to marry.

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If the woman caught the apple or threw it back, it signified that she reciprocated the man's feelings and was prepared to marry him. This mutual exchange indicated her acceptance of the proposal and willingness to enter into a marital relationship with the potential groom. The origin of this custom is explained by two legends.

The first legend concerns the "apple of discord," which sparked the Trojan War. This apple was to be given to the most beautiful woman, but the goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite quarreled over it, leading to the war.

The second legend tells of the warlike maiden Atalanta. She forced her potential suitors to compete with her in a foot race, and those who lost were executed. However, Hippomenes scattered golden apples along the course, and when Atalanta stopped to pick them up, she fell behind and lost the race, thus having to marry him.
