50 Family Photos That Are Awkward Yet Hilarious

05 Jan 2024

The tradition of taking family photos is a precious thing. After all, these are memorable snapshots for oneself and future generations. However, some people have created unusual, funny, and sometimes strange family portraits that have gone viral. Continue scrolling to witness it firsthand.

1. Suffocating Embraces

This elderly lady certainly adores her granddaughter. However, she embraced her so tightly that it's surprising how the granddaughter still manages to smile. Moreover, the grandmother's stern facial expression seems to warn against approaching her granddaughter. The photo turned out to be epic.

1. Suffocating Embraces.jpg?format=webp@LDSdotOgre/reddit.com

2. Caught in the Middle

Family photos can be very expressive. In this one, the kids decided to take a picture with their beloved dogs. However, it seems the pets were not in the mood for a photo, and they didn't hold back their emotions. The boy in the middle miraculously escaped unscathed and even managed to squeeze out a smile. They will all surely remember this day for a long time.

2. Caught in the Middle.jpg?format=webp@Sir_Charge/reddit.com

3. The Enigma of Familial Style

Looking at this picture, the question arises: could this boy have been taken from another family? His parents have such an interesting and unusual style that completely differs from the child's. Perhaps, they regretted their son's appearance and shielded him from unnecessary external questions. However, they decided not to restrain themselves in shaping their image.

3. The Enigma of Familial Style.jpg?format=webp@spids69/reddit.com

4. Strange Photo Pose

At first glance, it is a seemingly ordinary family portrait. However, that's only until you notice the pose of the dog and the family's father. Immediately, peculiar associations arise along with numerous questions. Yet, it's doubtful whether the family members paid attention to this during the photoshoot.

4. Strange Photo Pose.jpg?format=webp@Hilariously Embarrassing and Awkward Family Portraits!/brainal/YouTube.com

5. The Background Says It All

The most interesting thing in this photo is happening in the background. It's unlikely the parents knew that behind them their sons were playfully fighting, but the photographer should have noticed. However, he decided to ignore it and left everything as is. As a result, the family got a very original family photo.

5. The Background Says It All.jpg?format=webp@Embarrassing Yet Hilarious Family Photos || Funny Daily/Funny Daily/YouTube.com

6. Family Habit?

Perhaps the little girl enjoys picking her nose and pays no mind to the opinions of those around her. So, instead of scolding their daughter, the parents decided to playfully mimic this habit for a family photo.

6. Family Habit.jpg?format=webp@20 Most Awkward Family Photos EVER/Variety Channel/YouTube.com

7. How Much Can You Love?

This man decided to showcase the strength of his love for his family during a photoshoot. He embraced them so tightly that it almost looked intimidating. However, judging by their smiles, they seem accustomed to such passionate displays of emotion.

7. How Much Can You Love.jpg?format=webp@Funny Family Photos That Went Totally Wrong - Fail Compilation/Alex Cristi/YouTube.com

8. Diverse Family Styles

In this family, everyone preserves their individuality and can express themselves differently. For instance, the Mom prefers a casual style, while the dad has crafted his unique approach to combining clothes. So, the children have a diverse range of styles to emulate.

8. Diverse Family Styles.jpg?format=webp@arcusGoetz/reddit.com

9. Sunflower’s Family Look

A family look can vary. And it can be divided into the one that is stylish and evokes a desire to emulate it, and the one we see in the photo. Sunflowers are beautiful, but there are too many of them here. Nevertheless, everyone has their taste.

9. Sunflower’s Family Look.jpg?format=webp@Hilariously Embarrassing and Awkward Family Portraits!/brainal/YouTube.com

10. A photo that captures the family as they are

This shot will surely hold a special place in the family photo album. The father and daughter stick out their tongues, while the mother barely holds the youngest family member in her arms, managing to avoid being part of the frame. Only another boy poses for the photo, albeit not with great enthusiasm.

10. A photo that captures the family as they are.jpg?format=webp@Embarrassing Yet Hilarious Family Photos || Funny Daily/Funny Daily/YouTube.com

11. Who is who

If a family has several children, there will likely be someone among them who is mischievous and someone who is a more serious child. In this photo, it is clear who doesn't forget to take the opportunity to play around and who looks at the mischief-makers with a hint of reproach. This picture will serve as a reminder in their adult years of the fun and carefree life they lived in childhood.

11. Who is who.jpg?format=webp@20 Most Awkward Family Photos EVER/Variety Channel/YouTube.com

12. A Family that Banishes the Blues

It's wonderful when a family isn't afraid to look funny and loves to goof around. Such moments are valuable as they teach us to take some issues lightly and unload stress on time. Where else, if not in the family, are you accepted for who you are?

12. A Family that Banishes the Blues.jpg?format=webp@Funny Family Photos That Went Totally Wrong - Fail Compilation/Alex Cristi/YouTube.com

13. Awkward Moment

In general, the family image is very festive, bright, and cheerful. However, there's a question: why does the girl have wet pants? Perhaps she didn't make it to the bathroom, or maybe she spilled something on herself before the photoshoot? Or are these really jeans with a wet effect? Unfortunately, there are more questions than answers, and we are left to speculate about the true cause of this mysterious stain.

13. Awkward Moment.jpg?format=webp@[deleted]/reddit.com

14. Childhood Enthusiasm

Children surround their parents with so much love that it seems a bit overwhelming. They're not just hugging mom and dad; they're holding on tightly with both hands as if they're planning an escape or have done it before. Despite this moment, the photo is very endearing, although it carries a slightly anxious atmosphere.

14. Childhood Enthusiasm.jpg?format=webp@Hilariously Embarrassing and Awkward Family Portraits!/brainal/YouTube.com

15. Santa, is that you?

We found this strange photo online. The author captioned it saying that it was taken in 1988 in Yugoslavia and added that Santa Clauses there were very peculiar. No wonder the little girl is crying so much and has no desire to be photographed.

15. Santa, is that you.jpg?format=webp@People Submit Their Most Awkward Family Pics/BossDT/YouTube.com

16. Contrasting Family

These people have a very intriguing look reminiscent of the famous characters from The Addams Family. For some reason, they all chose black attire for the group photo and even went for gloomy makeup. To add contrast, they left the little boy in bright clothing, and he seemed to enjoy it. 

16. Contrasting Family.jpg?format=webp@20 Most Awkward Family Photos EVER/Variety Channel/YouTube.com

17. When Things Go Wrong

This was supposed to be a wonderful family beach photo, but something went wrong. It seems the little girl slipped and fell. The photographer managed to capture this moment and the funny reactions of mom and brothers. They will surely remember this story for a lifetime.

17. When Things Go Wrong.jpg?format=webp@Funny Family Photos That Went Totally Wrong - Fail Compilation/Alex Cristi/YouTube.com

18. Extreme Photo

The parents thought it would be cool to have a photo with a python. However, their little daughter had a different opinion. It's unknown what guided them when subjecting the child to such stress, and whether the photo was worth this memory. At the very least, they should have asked the girl if she was ready for this experiment.

18. Extreme Photo.jpg?format=webp@Hilariously Embarrassing and Awkward Family Portraits!/brainal/YouTube.com

19. Crabby Creativity

Sometimes, the desire to stand out goes to extremes, and people start inventing various wonders. For example, the members of this family imagined themselves as crabs who discovered a marvelous pearl with a surprise in the sea. The discovery is indeed wonderful, but was it necessary to wear such costumes? On the other hand, everyone has the right to express themselves in whatever way they see fit.

19. Crabby Creativity.jpg?format=webp@People Submit Their Most Awkward Family Pics/BossDT/YouTube.com

20. Unveiling the Unenthusiastic Side of Family Photos

It happens that not everyone is thrilled about family photo sessions. However, some skillfully conceal their feelings, while others don't even plan to do so. The father of this family barely squeezed out a smile. Moreover, it resembles a fierce grimace. It's surprising that he still chose to wear a festive shirt, but his true desire to hide couldn't be overcome.

20. Unveiling the Unenthusiastic Side of Family Photos.jpg?format=webp@20 Most Awkward Family Photos EVER/Variety Channel/YouTube.com

21. Quirky Charm

Not many people imagine a family photo to be so quirky. But, agree, it has its charm. Everyone here is happy, funny, and not at all boring. It will surely take a special place in the family photo album.

21. Quirky Charm.jpg?format=webp@Funny Family Photos That Went Totally Wrong - Fail Compilation/Alex Cristi/YouTube.com

22. Pumpkin Masquerade

This picture has a warm autumn background and could have been a wonderful family portrait for memory. However, the parents decided to dress themselves and their daughter in costumes made from pumpkins. Perhaps, they just wanted to be original, but in the end, they ended up looking somewhat strange.

22. Pumpkin Masquerade.jpg?format=webp@Geaux/reddit.com

23. Uninhibited Kids

Children are not accustomed to restraining themselves in their desires, so they prefer to behave naturally. Thanks to such spontaneity, the photographer managed to create this amusing portrait. Let's hope that the parents didn't scold their son for the ruined photo but simply had a good laugh together over the result.

23. Uninhibited Kids.jpg?format=webp@Hilariously Embarrassing and Awkward Family Portraits!/brainal/YouTube.com

24. The Big Brother

The boy is unlikely to be very happy about the arrival of a younger sibling into the family. His entire expression in the photo suggests that he is deeply contemplating this matter and reflecting on his future role as the older brother. The boy's parents noted in this photo that their son had this expression on his face throughout the entire photoshoot.

24. The Big Brother.jpg?format=webp@People Submit Their Most Awkward Family Pics/BossDT/YouTube.com

25. Weird Touch 

Perhaps this family wanted to add a touch of coolness to this portrait, but it turned out rather strange. Cigars in the mouths of children are already too much; we can't share this vision, even if it's just for laughs.

25. Weird Touch .jpg?format=webp@20 Most Awkward Family Photos EVER/Variety Channel/YouTube.com

26. When Emotions Overflow

Oh, those family photos! Where else but in them can you trace the character and temperament of family members? Grandpa and Grandma decided to take a memorable photo with their granddaughter. But probably, something went wrong, and they couldn't agree on who and how should pose in the portrait. Nevertheless, everyone got an unforgettable photo.

26. When Emotions Overflow.jpg?format=webp@Funny Family Photos That Went Totally Wrong - Fail Compilation/Alex Cristi/YouTube.com

27. Not Like Everyone Else

The boy's stubbornness not only captured the attention of all family members but also triumphed, making this family portrait truly epic. He simply didn't want to be photographed, and he indeed achieved his goal, leaving behind in the family history this legendary shot.

27. Not Like Everyone Else.jpg?format=webp@_d__train/reddit.com

28. Special Family Members

These ladies have created their unique family photo with their cats gracefully settled in their arms. Anyone who holds their pets in high regard will resonate with this atmospheric portrait.

28. Special Family Members.jpg?format=webp@Hilariously Embarrassing and Awkward Family Portraits!/brainal/YouTube.com

29. A New Mom's Mixed Emotions

The New Mom Shared Her Emotions from a Recent Photo Online. Despite experiencing a challenging childbirth and nausea after anesthesia, her husband was undeterred. Amid joy, he decided to capture a family photo with the newborns beside her. At that moment, she likely felt mixed emotions.

29. A New Mom's Mixed Emotions.jpg?format=webp@People Submit Their Most Awkward Family Pics/BossDT/YouTube.com

30. Parents' kiss

This could have been a touching photo. However, the children expressed their disapproval of their parents' kiss in a highly emotional way. Of course, the photographer didn't miss this comedic moment, which they later shared on their social media.

30. Parents' kiss.jpg?format=webp@Funny Family Photos That Went Totally Wrong - Fail Compilation/Alex Cristi/YouTube.com

31. Creative Approach

Another peculiar approach to creating a family portrait. It's unclear whether the mother passed away and couldn't join the group photo or if they decided to interpret the situation in this unique way. It turned out to be poetic, but somewhat strange.

31. Creative Approach.jpg?format=webp@MrBones2k/reddit.com

32. Brother in Action

It's immediately clear who the mischief-maker among the children is. With such an older brother, there's nothing to fear, and most importantly, there's never a dull moment. It seems the kids are very friendly with each other. This photo evokes warmth and a smile, despite the antics of the older boy.

32. Brother in Action.jpg?format=webp@kanglives/reddit.com

33. What's Going On Here?

I guess you'll agree that this is a very peculiar photo. What is the boy with the bat doing in the background? His figure looks threatening and distorts the whole picture. Even if there are complex relationships between the brothers, why did the parents decide to emphasize it like this in the family photo? It doesn't look funny at all.

33. What's Going On Here.jpg?format=webp@Funny Family Photos That Went Totally Wrong - Fail Compilation/Alex Cristi/YouTube.com

34. Historical photo

This unusual family photo was taken during the pandemic. It can boldly be considered legendary, emphasizing the times that left a mark in world history. This family also decided to capture this memory for future generations.

34. Historical photo.jpg?format=webp@Troll_Drive/reddit.com

35. When relaxation is much needed

This woman is already tired of posing and probably hasn't had enough sleep. It's not surprising for a mother raising two young children. Perhaps her husband decided to surprise her with a photoshoot but forgot to arrange some relaxation for his wife beforehand.

35. When relaxation is much needed.jpg?format=webp@Hilariously Embarrassing and Awkward Family Portraits!/brainal/YouTube.com

36. 3D grimacing

The family decided to goof off a bit on camera for fun. However, no one surpassed Mom, as she did it too unrealistically. Her exaggerated and comical pose left everyone in stitches, making it clear that when it comes to adding a touch of hilarity to family photos, Mom reigns supreme.

36. 3D grimacing.jpg?format=webp@People Submit Their Most Awkward Family Pics/BossDT/YouTube.com

37. Children's Mischief

Kids often engage in mischief, but this little girl took it to a new level. In the photo, she decided to give her brother's ear a lick. It looks quite peculiar, though the little one seems to be thoroughly amused by the unexpected gesture.

37. Children's Mischief.jpg?format=webp@Funny Family Photos That Went Totally Wrong - Fail Compilation/Alex Cristi/YouTube.com

38. The Enigmatic Family

What do these costumes want to convey? Could it be a puzzle that requires solving? Maybe, the family has encrypted their nickname in this way and wants us to decipher it. We find ourselves faced with a fascinating mystery.

38. The Enigmatic Family.jpg?format=webp@dexum11/reddit.com

39. Ho-Ho-Ho!

The joyful father emphasized his love for his daughters and wife with a T-shirt featuring the original caption "Chillin' with my HO's." This charming photo with a touch of humor certainly added a festive vibe to our cheerful family collection.

39. Ho-Ho-Ho!.jpg?format=webp@shagpokewipl/reddit.com

40. A Gift From the Heart

The best gift is the one that is close by. This family took this saying literally and dressed up in gift costumes. They playfully embraced the idea of being each other's greatest gifts, creating a heartwarming and memorable family photo. The joy and connection they share are truly priceless, making every moment together a precious gift.

40. A Gift From the Heart.jpg?format=webp@Funny Family Photos That Went Totally Wrong - Fail Compilation/Alex Cristi/YouTube.com

41. Joyful Meeting with Santa Claus

The children waited in line to meet Santa for so long that they almost lost their composure. So, in the photo, they decided not to hold back their emotions. We believe that no one was harmed during the encounter with Santa.

41. Joyful Meeting with Santa Claus.jpg?format=webp@Delightfully Awkward Family Photos That Will Make You Smile(Part2)/HappyLand/YouTube.com

42. A Not-So-Joyful Family Scene

When you look at this photo, it immediately brings to mind the movie Home Alone. However, unlike the famous comedy, the child here doesn't look happy. For some reason, the boy is sitting apart from the family, although it would have been more natural to be in his father's arms. But perhaps the family isn't too concerned about it.

42. A Not-So-Joyful Family Scene.jpg?format=webp@Delightfully Awkward Family Photos That Will Make You Smile(Part2)/HappyLand/YouTube.com

43. Six Jolly Brothers Bringing Childhood Back

Six merry brothers in Santa Claus attire decide to recall childhood. Everyone in the photo looks happy and carefree. It's wonderful when adults allow themselves to be children sometimes.

43. Six Jolly Brothers Bringing Childhood Back.jpg?format=webp@Hilariously Embarrassing and Awkward Family Portraits!/brainal/YouTube.com

44. Weird Costumes That Raise Many Questions

Everyone has their vision of a fun family portrait. In particular, these people decided to put on animal headpieces. Certainly, it creates a cheerful and mysterious atmosphere, but it leaves many questions about the purpose of this unconventional attire.

44. Weird Costumes That Raise Many Questions.jpg?format=webp@Funny Family Photos That Went Totally Wrong - Fail Compilation/Alex Cristi/YouTube.com

45. Fearless and Fun Grandma

This grandma is probably not afraid of experiments and has no fear at all. Usually, people worry about the lives and health of their children and grandchildren, constantly taking precautions. But not in this case. Grandma and Dad seem to have completely lost their fear and calmly suspended the stroller with the child to the beam along with the baby. In the future, the child will surely have a fun time with these adventurous relatives.

45. Fearless and Fun Grandma.jpg?format=webp@Delightfully Awkward Family Photos That Will Make You Smile(Part2)/HappyLand/YouTube.com

46. Spontaneous moment

The owner shared the story of this epic photo on social media. It turns out that the older son decided to jump on his mom's back without warning, and she couldn't hold onto the younger child. As a result, the little one fell into the water. Fortunately, no one was harmed, and the family got this photo as a memorable moment. Spontaneous moments like these often become the most interesting memories in a family album. 

46. Spontaneous moment.jpg?format=webp@People Submit Their Most Awkward Family Pics/BossDT/YouTube.com

47. Fruitful Pride

This portrait can be interpreted in different ways. It is very cheerful and expressive. Presumably, the father showcased in this way that he is a very fruitful man and takes immense pride in his family.

47. Fruitful Pride.jpg?format=webp@Funny Family Photos That Went Totally Wrong - Fail Compilation/Alex Cristi/YouTube.com

48. A Creative New Year's Celebration

Choosing New Year's costumes is usually an art, and selecting them for a family photoshoot is even more art. This family has mastered creativity. The crown for the most unique costume goes to the lady dressed as a Christmas tree.

48. A Creative New Year's Celebration.jpg?format=webp@Hilariously Embarrassing and Awkward Family Portraits!/brainal/YouTube.com

49. The Feline Head of the Family

Can you guess who's in charge of this family? I bet you've guessed it's the cat. At least, he's undoubtedly an esteemed member. Everyone even chose their clothing to match his fur color. The family portrait turned out to be quite extraordinary.

49. The Feline Head of the Family.jpg?format=webp@Delightfully Awkward Family Photos That Will Make You Smile(Part2)/HappyLand/YouTube.com

50. Family Thoughts

It's wonderful that the husband constantly keeps thoughts of his family in his head, but is it worth portraying it so literally in a photo? Perhaps it could have been limited to a picture where everyone smiles, has fun, or simply embraces. But everyone has their vision of such things.

50. Family Thoughts.jpg?format=webp@Hilariously Embarrassing and Awkward Family Portraits!/brainal/YouTube.com
